The singers’ voices, the lyrics, and the music all have a calming and comforting feel.
As the full band plays, Guy Penrod’s powerful voice is the first to stand out. When Sarah Darling joins with her beautiful harmonies, the sound feels almost “angelic.”
The song reminds us that our loved ones are being cared for in Heaven, a peaceful place with streets made of gold for every broken heart and hurt soul..
There’s no shame in feeling sad. You might need tissues nearby, but don’t worry—your tears won’t just be from sadness. This song also brings joy as the singers share that your loved one is now in a wonderful place.
The video shows a live concert performance, and you can feel the strong bond between the musicians and the audience. Even though we wish we could bring our loved ones back, they are in a place of eternal love and life, and the lyrics ask: Why would we want to pull them away from that?